
The Circle of Life

By ~ Sonavi Kher Desai

Early this morning, I watched the dew-soaked Hibiscus bush outside the veranda. It was laden with crimson flowers. They looked like bright red speckles on a lush green canvas. Some were magnificent, in full bloom, while others were in different stages of withering away. It was heartwarming to see the fertile bush that promised me fresh red blooms to offer to Ganesha in my morning puja. The sun was slowly lightening up the sky and warming up the day but the dewdrops still shone on the bush like little diamonds, slowly trickling down the leaves and petals and dropping to the ground. I gazed at the young, open flowers nestling side by side with those that were wilting. A million thoughts flitted through my mind. The Hibiscus bush seemed to reflect the trajectory of life – blossoming youth, maturity, and the eventual falling off. The dried up flowers would finally release their hold, merge with the soil that gave birth to them, and nourish the new buds that would emerge. The circle of life…

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The Challenge of Change

By Sonavi Kher Desai

Any kind of metamorphosis is challenging, whether into a Kafkaesque cockroach or a beautiful butterfly. It is a silent, mysterious process. It alters, modifies, transmutes into something else. In other words, the original state of the person or object is altered—sometimes for the better, sometimes not—and the earlier state is changed, lost forever.

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Positive Power

By Sonavi Desai

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness, or sometimes, to stumble towards the nearest cobbler than lament a broken sandal. I repeated this to myself, as, dismayed and stranded, I dragged myself along until I spotted my saviour at the far end of the road. It turned out to be a rewarding experience – my sorry sandal received a new lease of life and I, a most unexpected lesson in philosophy.

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Intelligence and Security

By – VappalaBalachandran

Mankind has used intelligence for centuries for internal control, economic progress and external influence. Intelligence can be open or secret. The first recorded secret intelligence operation was in 13th Century BCE when God ordered Moses to dispatch 12 tribal chiefs to search for the land of Canaan, their promised land. This was recorded in the Book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible.

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By –  Sonavi Desai

Religion influences every sphere of human life and brings about moral cohesiveness in social relations and interactions. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Prayer is the only means of bringing about orderliness and peace in our daily acts.” At a different level, religion shows the way to the divine and enables us to recognise our own divinity.

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